“Watermelon Growing Tips”
Comment Page 3

  • Stephen muriithi beginner adviser said on October 21, 2013
    Good work. Am at Kiboko and i planted sukari f1 on 14th/10/2013 and i have noted discrepancies in times of germination. i irrigate using water from a well. is there any need to use C.A.N for topdressing and if yes after how long. thanks

    0722427254 || Expert

  • Stephen mwanzia said on October 25, 2013
    Thanks for your good work. I am planning to start planting water melon this will be in a 1 acre piece of land in kitui at the beginning but want to try. Kindly hook me up with farmers that have done this around the same area so that I can see their farms and then I can plan on how to set mine up. Regards.
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on October 31, 2013
    @filippo, you are facing cutworms, use contact insecticide on the young plants, spray both leaves and tender stems, especially on the evening cause cutworms are nocturnal any pyrethroid whether natural or synthetic will do.....also in future you may be planting spare seedling in small polythene bags just to replace young plant that my be affected by best of damping off. God bless good luck.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on October 31, 2013

    @sammy muragu, Do plant hybrid varieties of both plants for good uniform early maturing yields, For watermelon try Sukari F1, Pata Negra F1, Stark Ayres star 9908 F1 etc,  all very good. For quotation for Drip Irrigation system send me an email at my gmail address so that i can share with you current prices.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on October 31, 2013

    @opande, best time for growing is when rain farmer are not about to grow, early October before the rains is a good time in Kenya most of the time.....rains of late have been erratic and unpredictable.....

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on October 31, 2013

    @Stephen muriithi,  you can use CAN only till flowering starts....too much nitrogen not good for fruit setting and fruit development. God bless you.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on October 31, 2013

    @Stephen mwanzia,  please hook up with Stephen Muriithi who has invited you to his farm, Good luck

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on October 31, 2013

    @Stephen muriithi,  concerning germination, if the watering is uniform they usually all germinate on the same day or a slight gap of 1-2 day which is ok, check on your irrigation uniformity. You need to maintain soil moisture content at field capacity till germination, that means try avoid long dry spells between watering till plant germinate.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • samuel said on October 31, 2013
    i have planted 1 acre of melons Julia F1 in the month of September using drip irrigation in machakos . they have started forming fruits . how do i manage them to have 7kg and above weight ? also each plant has 4 to 5 vines . can i trim some vines? how many fruits should i maintain per plant? how do i prune the vines?
  • samuel said on October 31, 2013
    do you have ideas where to get the market in November december time?
  • Josh said on November 12, 2013
    To all readers, This post is to all who have believed in the idea of water melon farming, gone ahead and implemented but come harvest time you are counting abnormal losses.Well that is business,and the truth of the matter is;there is an element of loss in any business endevour. Just dust yourself up, know where you went wrong and rectify. I have met a few guys who have made huge losses after planing melons, me being one of them. You could loose your first harvest, even the second one, but at some point you will get it right. I also someone who struggled with her farm for close to two years but the hugest melons i saw last season were in her farm - and that means profits.

    As a farmer you need to be a resilient businessman. You cant afford to give up. Read a lot on start up businesses because ultimately your success or failure will be largely dependent on the business decisions you make. For those seeking patners to farm with, avoid silent investors who only wish to invest and come to share the profits, because in the event you make a huge loss and you are instead actually left in debt, there might arise issues that will be hard to resolve. Let your investors walk with you all the way, let them visit the farm as often as possible. If you make a loss it will be shared collectively.

    Keep a record of all expenditure from the cost of land lease to daily records of farm hands, transport costs. Its tedious but it will really come in handy 3 months after planting and you would like to know whether all that work was worth while or not. So much said, but view farming as business like any other and don't expect magic.
  • Philip Masonda said on November 12, 2013
    Hi there! I live just outside of Dar es salam in the nothern beach of Indian ocean, about 30 km from Dar es salam city center , here have about 20 acres of land, developed and planted mangoes and also keeping pigs. Recently ,I have discovered that watermelon do well here and i have cultivated about any area of 30 by 70 and the yield was very good apart from being using manual about in watering, I have a borehole that can yield about 200,000 liters of water in a day and looking to put a new system of irrigation to avoid the manual labour. Any suggestion are welcomed. I am looking for partners to start the project for the watermelon, so that we can employ the drip irrigation so that
  • filippo said on November 20, 2013
    Hi. thnx 4 ur advises my watermelons sukarif1 will be ready after 1 wk i have an acre from galana river +254734945928 anybody who would like to buy please contact me...thanks a lot again
  • geofrey ochieng said on November 23, 2013
    thanx for your advise, i'm new in watermelon though i want to try them at around lake victoria region, which is the best hybrid to grow around lake victoria region where there is adequate rainfall in the month of march to may? God bless you.
  • Eric Gichuki said on December 3, 2013
    What is the maturity period of Sukari F1 watermelons under ideal conditions?
  • emmanuel said on December 25, 2013
    hi am Emmanuel from Tanzania Dar es salaam I want to plant water melon in bagamoyo I need you are advice plz thanx
  • Rose M. said on December 28, 2013
    Sir, thank you for lots of information. Two things I would like to ask. I would like to grow water melon in Nyatike. My land is close to the river Migori and as you are aware this is a very hot area. Can I irrigate? What would the market be like in this area. Can I also do the same in Kitengela/Isinya. Have an 1/8 of an acre in syokimau and would like to grow capsicum. Is it sufficient.
  • Dan said on January 7, 2014
    @kama near ngoliba, hi would like to know how your watermelon are doing cos am thinking of starting the same kindly contact please through danju35@gmail.com
  • richard muinde said on January 8, 2014
    kindly explain the benefits of a soil analysis before undertaking planting of watermelons. i am interested in planting watermelons in kibwezi area.
  • kennedy ngoseywe said on January 11, 2014
    Hello water melon farmers/enthusiasts, our company is looking for a reliable supplier of 20 tons of sukari F1 water melon. Kindly contact our office via 0725055887.We are based in Nairobi Kenya.
  • moses muli said on January 13, 2014
    Hi @Wanyoz, I am having about 5 acres of untitled land since creation and fresh water river at kangundo. is it advisable to begin melon farming direct after tilling or I try something like beans first? Thnx for all the advice u've given.
  • esther mwendwa said on January 13, 2014
    Hi. I am planning to do irrigation for water melons in mwingi district along tana river. Please advise me on the best seedlings and spacing. How many plants can one acre accommodate. Which is the best month to plant in this area. esther
  • zakia said on January 20, 2014
    Hei I am zakia from Mombasa south cost Diani Ukunda I would like to to do water melon farming on a five acre shamba, Please advise what type of seeds do i require to plant, pesticides how much do i invest for the whole exercise i.e. from planting to harvesting.
  • Immaculate Ngina said on January 24, 2014
    Am really impressed by the comments. I would like to start farming at Lower mbooni( Tawa). The type of soil is red loam soil. Good enough there is water. What i need to know is the best type to grow, how i can economize water usage, is February a good month to plant? Is it advisable to plant watermelon continuously or to rotate with another plant, where can i get guidance in case of fertilizer and what should i use as a control measure for diseases.
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on January 27, 2014
    @Josh, thank you for sharing on the intricacies of farming or any other business . so many farmers ignore important business essentials and get problems especially when dealing with partnerships. Valuable lesson right there!

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • moses muli said on January 28, 2014
    After solving the water problem by establishing a proper system of irrigation using a fuel pump,
    (1)what is the estimated amount of money can one invest in a one acre piece of land on watermelons i.e fuel, fungicides, pesticides, bees, seed, fertilizers and weeding having a fixed amount at least 500 per day per weeder?
    (2)is there any possibility of reaping the above stated returns on the first time of planting?
    (3)what are the main issues one should consider a challenge from planting up to harvest and how should he or she overcome them in order to make it upto at least 20 tonnes per acre?
    it seems as if mid jan is a good harvesting season in Nairobi!
  • John Ngunjiri said on February 4, 2014
    A real good Kenyan citizen you are Wanyonyi. I am in Mombasa and have piece of land - approx 12000 ft square. Soil is not sandy - much clay . i want to try watermelon on it. have had tomatoes last season. Have some pond water- fresh and would like to try watermelon. What you would you advise. What is the current drip irrigation set for such a piece of land and would it be advisable to irrigate the whole land or hill by hill.
  • stephen ndirangu said on February 10, 2014
    hi, am doing some melon farming in kinanie in athi river. i had planted sugar baby local type and the yield was not good. the soil is cotton and i use irrigation, is it advisable to plant at this time considering the rains are due in two months time? what variety should i plant in this type of soil? the area is usually dry.
  • REGINA KOSKEI said on February 20, 2014
    Hi, Thanks for your advises. I want to plant watermelon in a Kericho - Kipsitet(boundary of kericho/Kisumu). This is an area with enough rain at the same time warmth to help plants grow. My farm is already dug ready for planting just awaiting the rains so as to commence. My queries are; how many months does watermelon take before harvesting? which seed type do i need to plant in this area? how kilos of seeds to i need to plant in an acre? how many weeding is required before harvest? I will be very grateful for your feedback. Regina - Kericho
  • samfan said on February 20, 2014
    Am planning to commence cultivation of water melon here in kenya. my soil is sandy loam and climate is a bit hot in ukambani..kithimani with enough water for irrigation. Wats the best breed and procedures of start up. Thanks in advance
  • RONO PATRICK said on March 6, 2014
    Which part of around kericho town in Riftvalley can I grow water melons?
  • Eric Gichuki said on March 10, 2014
    I have Sukari F1 watermelons in my farm in Mwea and they will be ready by the end of march 2014. Any interested party, kindly email me for details.
  • john mwalyo said on March 11, 2014
    am a kenyan citizen with an estimate of 18 tonnes of water melon, kindly if u have selling market connect me...0719661822
  • christopher ragama said on March 24, 2014
    hi am interested in watermelon farming and i want to do in eldoret . I would like to know the variety which can be grown there and the requirements
  • lubega isaac said on March 31, 2014
    am Isaac fro uganda whats the best water melon variety that can be used in uganda. thanks
  • Sylvest said on March 31, 2014
    Hi. Thank you for this Great platform. Attempted melon on black cotton soil at Kamulu area near ruai and the result was less than 50% germination. What could be the cause? God bless.
  • Tumaini said on April 1, 2014
    Any farmer in Malindi doing water melon farming?
  • Farai said on April 7, 2014
    I am in Zimbabwe and have planted my first water melon crop, crimson sweet, and have been silently relying on expertise gleaned from this platform, thank you. Have 2 questions, firstly my plants are generally growing 4 fruits per plant, should I leave these as are or should I prune them to 3 or 2 for bigger sizes. secondly, have picked from the platform that we need to reduce water to the plants towards harvest, how long before harvest and on average how much watering should be done, of course will depend on the environment but if you can give an indication, whether you advise watering once a week or twice. Thank you
  • GIFT said on April 7, 2014
    Mine is an appreciation for the good JOB you are doing in Agricultural sector development in fact i have been so much pleased, may God shower u wiz blessings . Another thing am very grateful to get this webpage that is so much inspiring more so in the field of Agric. FROM; UGANDA
  • GIFT said on April 7, 2014
    I want to plant watermelon at start in june 2014 (Uganda/Nakasongola)
  • LILIAN KINOTI said on April 12, 2014
    My farm is at kajiado in kenya and i am planning to start planting watermelon as a business. The soil is black cotton . should i start by taking the soil for testing before i could think of putting manure. Thank you
  • edward njuguna said on April 13, 2014
    Am a watermelon farmer in nyanza province, awendo area. I planted sukari f1 at the end of march and expect to harvest by mid june. I would like to know the average farm gate price by june as well as whether this is a suitable area to go large scale production. Thank you
  • Tom Mabele said on April 23, 2014
    Hi, I have a small plot...20x30 METERS and looking at planting TOMATOES..Kindly advise the best type I should do and how long does it take to fruition. I need detailed information. Thanks Tom
  • Muwanga Augustus said on April 23, 2014
    From Jinja UGANDA. Am interested in growing water melon, my first trial was in plot of 30'x50' I was impressed the yield was good , and it was sweet and big to 8-10 kg. i decided to enlarge my garden to 2 acres the germination was perfect but to my surprise the up coming fruits get rotten . What could be the cause and what can I do to save my garden?
  • Pauline said on April 25, 2014
    I am Pauline and interested in farming, never planted anything before in my life but have settled on doing melons. I am so thankful for the experiences and advice, currently doing my research and looking for a small piece of land maybe 0.5-1 acre, wish me luck. God bless y'all.
  • Andison Sagwe said on May 8, 2014
    Thanks a lot for the enlightening comments. I have 10 acres at Namanga Kenya side which am currently clearing of bushes and am intending to plan water melon by July under rain fed system. Is the time proper? Which type is suitable? The soil is dark loam.
  • Andison Sagwe said on May 8, 2014
    Does water melon need be irrigated daily or can be done ones a week? Amount of water per acre?
  • mathias said on May 25, 2014
    How much is the kits? what do i have to be able to install the watermelon kit?
  • George Wanjala said on June 1, 2014
    Hi, am from Bungoma county and would to know the best pesticides for watermelons and what is the maximum number of fruits to remain on the stem after pruning? is Bungoma county conditions good for planting watermelons?
  • Mulekanle said on June 2, 2014
    @olasunbo water melon takes 70 or 80 days to mature depending on the variety....so start counting ur days...
  • Lucas said on June 10, 2014
    I am in Kwale county, farming in Lunga/lunga. When is it the right month to plant watermelon. Market I target Mombasa and Diani Beach Hotel consumers
  • kyalo said on July 10, 2014
    how to plant watermelon in green house spacing
  • Sunday Ochieng Odhiambo said on July 13, 2014
    Have been having lots of interest in watermelon farming but I feared the challenges due to lack of knowledge but now I think l'll make try. Thanks.
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 20, 2014
    @Sunday Ochieng Odhiambo, Don't fear challenges. challenges are there to be overcome. the sooner you will start the sooner you will overcome and succeed. God bless and good luck.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 20, 2014

    @Pauline,  Good luck and God bless.  This will be a good doorway into more farming ventures.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 20, 2014

    @Muwanga Augustus,  Sorry Sir for the rotten fruits, could have been due to pest infestation or being overipe or disease or calcium deficiency....many possibilities

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 20, 2014

    @Lucas, Right month to plant  for maximum returns is now quite tricky to predict since more and more farmers are taking up irrigation, but usually when rains come melon supply tends to diminish ........ this is tricky thing since if you purpose to harvest during rains you face lots of challenges in terms of bursting fruits and rotting fruits..... rotting fruits you can try and control by ensuring the fruit does not lie on wet soil where soil worms will easily break the tender and wetted outer rind. this can be done by putting dry grass beneath. For bursting melons you might  want to try plastic mulch that will prevent excess moisture due to rains going suddenly to the root hence the fruits and causing bursting.....but this will mean more investment in terms of land preparation and use of drip irrigation. But for sure you need to avoid planting with rainfall only if you want to get good prices at most regions...

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 20, 2014

    @geofrey ochieng,   Dear Sir, Try growing 2 or 3 different hybrids for your practical evaluation before scaling up. u can try Sukari F1 and Lahat F1 and also Pata Negra F1

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 20, 2014

    @richard muinde, Soil analysis will help you know the fertility level of your soil and will definitely come with a report giving you fertilizer and manure recommendation for the crop you choose..

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 20, 2014

    @esther mwendwa,  Dear Esther, have various hybrids for your local evaluation e.g Sukari F1, Pata Negra F1 , Stark Ayers star 9908 F1 etc. Spacing will depend on your irrigation method. if you are using manual irrigation you will need enough room to move around with pipes or watering can. If  using drip irrigation you can afford to squeeze in more plants per acre. Try 1.5m by 0.8m, gives good fruit size and some space to move withing the crop. Timing is tricky....but as long as you are doing under irrigation and not rain fed....you can be optimistic.....

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 20, 2014

    @moses muli, Typical cost per acre is quite a variable figure depending on many factors e.g wheeter seed are hybrids (overpriced) or ordinary, cost of watering and irrigation method , cost of labour and level of attention and inputs.....typically it cost about 50k on average per acre.....

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 20, 2014

    @stephen ndirangu, Please try hybrids, i believe your soil is black cotton heavy clay. do a large planting hole at least 1.5 feet by 1.5 feet.....add lots of well decomposed manure 2 shovels if you can and set up an easy to use irrigation system.......black soil gets hard and unpleasant for roots hence the big hole to loosen soil and easy irrigation to prevent too much drying or too much wetness

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 20, 2014

    @samfan,  At Kithimani in Yatta the soil can really get hard and compacted, if possible deep plough with tractor and be in the habit of adding lots of plant debris and manure into the soil. if your irrigation method will allow, please do raised beds, popular hybrids will do well there.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 20, 2014

    @mathias,  The Drip Irrigation Kits will depend on the unique characteristics in you farm e.g if farm partitioned by terraces, shape of the land and distance from the water source/ supply. Please email or call me with your unique requirements for a custom Drip Irrigation system quotation. Thanks Anthony

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • Peter said on July 23, 2014
    I am currently farming water melon Sukari F1 @ Mwea and I am in need of some advise on the South Africa Variety "Stark Ayres Star 9908 F1" What is the average production per acre all factors held constant. Farmers Advise.
  • Aliwa said on July 28, 2014
    any ready buyer? i have sukari f1 and crimson sweet, half acre each, to be ready by 25th august 2014. location is bondo in siaya county. plis contact me on aaliwah80@gmail.com or 254728586386. thanks!
  • Kelvin Lyimo said on August 5, 2014
    Hello am in tanzania and I was planted watermelon three hecta an am expecting to harvest it in november this year am looking buyer who can buy it. I was planted FI Hybrid which is good. please if you are interested write to me through my email klyimo03@gmail.com or you can call me +255684959522 or +255753450232
  • wambua bildad n said on August 21, 2014
    am from makindu, makueni and has already planted water melons type PATO F1.how are these seeds. they are doing well. i have drip water from tap. my worry is are these seeds hybrid, small size fruits or big size. a kg of these seeds go for shs 22000 from agrichem and tools.
  • nancy said on August 28, 2014
    Hi I'd love to be a watermelon farmer.....kindly may I know if its possible to have good results on a plot n approximately how much I can gain from that size. I wish to do sukari F1 hybrid. Thank you and God bless you for your good work
  • Anand said on September 1, 2014
    Previously we cultivated Corn and we used herbicides for weed control, can i use that land for watermelon cultivation?
  • Claire Njoki said on September 3, 2014
    hi, i am just starting on agricultural farming. I want to start tomatoes plantation as well as onion but the area that i have is dry, ie areas in Kangundo. Which is the best seed to use and also can you guide on how to go about the plantation
  • mwaki said on September 3, 2014
    I will be harvesting my melon btw 10th Nov & 15th Month. please connect will buyers.Have a 2 acre farm in Kibwezi
  • James Ochieng said on September 3, 2014
    Thank you so much for the information on this wonderful fruit I have a two acre piece of land in Migori which I would like to plant watermelon on it. Going by the advice you have given farmers here, I would like to try different varieties of the crop then I will settle on the correct one.
  • Simon Warui said on September 22, 2014
    Hello am simon from Mai mahiu in Kenya, my fathers land is about 2 acres and am planning on planting watermelons there. Could you please give me the conditions required, type of soil best breed to plant and where i can get the seeds? 0717241323
  • Moses Muchege said on September 22, 2014
    My name is Moses Muchege. I want to plant water melons(F1 SUKARI) .I hail from Tharaka Nithi County, Eastern Kenya. Kindly advice on spacing and type of fertilizer to apply. How is the production rate in half an acre? And the current market price for the F1 Sukari.
  • ANDISON said on September 23, 2014
    Hi, have 2 acres of watermelon ,Sukari F1 ready by 15th October, 2014. Connect me to buyers please.
  • hanate said on October 8, 2014
    i wish to express my sincere appreciation and commend all who have contributed to all this effort. may God bless you all.
  • ireri humphrey njiru said on October 13, 2014
    Hello Watermelon experts, Kindly advise me on the no. of plants per acre as I need to put one acre under watermelons in mbeere south- Embu. Thanks.
  • Mary said on October 13, 2014
    Hi, everybody decided to grow melons in Oct and now there are signs there will be a melon oversupply and low prices. It seems there is no best time to grow them.
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 17, 2014
    @Anand, herbicides usually decompose quickly in a matter of weeks or days. Yes you can plant with no worries.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 17, 2014
    @Mary, Melons market has become a bit erratic and hard to predict completely but it is still a good business since many farmers keep quitting as shidas come.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 18, 2014
    @ireri humphrey njiru, put 2300-4000 plants per acre depending on spacing and irrigation method. You can squeeze more plants per acre more comfortably with drip irrigation due to little need of moving around watering ......just open the gate valve for required duration and you are done. Watering becomes easy even your farm employee has no need to evade the simple task and lie to you when you are away!

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 18, 2014
    @nancy, for a small plot u need to do crops such as tomatoes or closely spaced crops such as beetroots etc to have financial significance...melons need space....u can also do a greenhouse or a dark house for growing mushrooms. A friend was joking to me that based on the prices of mushrooms you can hire a two bedroomed apartment in South B, live in one bedroom and grow mushrooms in the other room if you darken it properly. Then the mushrooms will pay the rent and leave u with cash in pocket.....so for small parcels ofland mushrooms could be profitable. If you need contacts for a mushroom expert call me or send me an email. Good luck God bless.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 18, 2014
    @Eric Gichuki,  Maturity period for melons depends on temperatures. Hot areas with warm nights can be 60 days or even less.......70-75 days in places such as Voi and 80-100 days in cooler areas or areas with cold nights.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • hope mrombo said on November 19, 2014
    hi planning to start farming in taita. specifically mbololo ..is the climate conducive for farming and the soil there good for watermelons..please advise
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 20, 2014
    @hope mrombo, Mbolo can be hot enough. If you have enough water u are good to go.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 20, 2014
    @George Wanjala, Bungoma melons do well but u got to get your market right or do large quantity for bulk transport. Fungicides alternate 3 weekly .

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 20, 2014
    @Moses Muchege, Market prices fluctuate based on supply and demand . half acre you can expect zero tons up to ten tons depending on skill and method

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 20, 2014
    Dear Farmers, if you need a break from watermelons you can try butternut squash...requires similar management and good also for part time farmer....market both export and local and best is that it is not rapidly perishable like melons.......u have about 3 months to sell! God bless and good luck.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 20, 2014
    @wambua bildad n, Dear Sir, How did The PatO F1 perform.??

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 20, 2014
    @mwaki, hi how did the harvest go? Did you get good buyers for watermelon in Kibwezi.... How many tons of watermelon did you get in one acre??

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 20, 2014
    @Claire Njoki, Dear Madam, if you have water you are in business..... Tomatoes Eden F1 is currently among the one making headlines with many farmers or you can do the popular Sygenta varieties. Onions don't rush for high yielding varieties... They give heavy tonnage cause of keeping too much water in their tissues.......they store poorly on practice despite the many months claimed by seed companies....do Bombay red variety and the market will not b able to tell if your onions are local or the highly valued Tanzanian onions that store well without rotting! If you need drip irrigation system for the tomatoes and onions please call me or email with your farm details and water source. Thanks Anthony

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 20, 2014
    @Ochieng, have you started planting! The sooner you start out the better. as new farmers we should have the commitment to continue......... not quoting at the first set of problems. Yes about 50% succeed at first attempt some by luck and some by doing their homework thoroughly and implementing effectively...... The other 50%( including me when i started out) we have to pick ourselves up after the starting problems....seek and sort out the problems faced and try again. The most common problem this days with farmers is poor implementation.....not the lack of knowledge any more. This is mostly due to poor supervision and leaving things too much to employees.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 20, 2014
    Dear Farmers Who is farming melons on black cotton clay soils..kindly share your experience.... Fruit size yield etc...

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • Namarome said on November 20, 2014
    I have read from the first page to the last and i am impressed. May God bless you as you educate farmers. Thinking of doing butternut squash and melons in Thika as from 2015. Am still doing my homework.
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 21, 2014
    @Namarome, Good idea boss....butternuts and pumpkins very rich foods and demand growing especially for diabetics.... studies in rats showed reversal of type 2 diabetes by regeneration of active cells in pancreas of the rats after being put on pumpkin extract for the period of study. God be with you.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on November 21, 2014
    @Immaculate Ngina, Did you plant at lower Mbooni?? How did it go??

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • Rob said on December 6, 2014
    Where can I purchase loam soil in Nairobi?
  • Fridah Kimeu said on December 8, 2014
    Am Fridah a new farmer. basically planting watermelon-Sukari. it has now elapsed one month since i planted the seeds. i would like to know where i can sell the watermelon after harvest. Am located in Makueni county a place known as Kikumini near Emali town.
  • christine Njoki said on December 20, 2014
    I have 10 tonnes of sukari F1. any buyer, please contact me. my number 0718440162

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