“Watermelon Growing Tips”
Comment Page 2

  • maggie said on April 17, 2013
    Hi @watermelon kenya expert, am from Uganda,planning to plant watermelons(Pata Negra)this week, my garden is already cleared just waiting for the professional to come and guide us on planting. however, we didnt do any soil tests and its our first time to plant, this also being virgin soil, am planning to use 2-3 acres. what should i expect in returns esp since the seeds are costing me about 700k UGshs? i have chicken litter as fertilizer too, shd i put some in the soil right now? any info regarding mkt will also be much appreciated. God Bless.
  • charles Muasa said on April 26, 2013
    Hi Antony , am planning and already looking to lease a 2 acre farm one in taita and in Mwala mbiuni location. Mbiuni - intend to have one acre and use athi river starting in June .Taita i will use a well . Are this areas best suited for watermelons and is the timing ok for harvest in Augu/sep. Can you assist me in getting a good place where i can do irrigation . Best regards .
  • Julius Emegwara said on April 30, 2013
    I want to go into water melon farming, pls could you assist to know what and what are required. Thanks.
  • MUTUA said on May 15, 2013
    hi am from thika, got an acre of land in thika near landless area. i want to start farming melons. which is the best seed. please advise me on the farming and everything else required. Thank you
  • Solomon said on May 16, 2013
    Hi, I have a 10 acre piece of land in Makuyu division Kambiti area which i feel the climate is hot enough suitable for watermelon. The soil is sandly loam with an ever flowing river frontage. I plan to plant mangoes the whole piece but before then, some short-time crops like watermelon. Kindly advise on the seed type of watermelon to test and share any farming experience on the area.
  • Dennis said on May 16, 2013
    am at machakos county. i am really facing a challenge with insects that are sucking my melons leaving a black wound. at a tender age,. please help me with the best pesticide to use
  • Briht said on May 16, 2013
    I'm interested in growing water melon . This is in vihiga area....in oct-dec short rains.....kindly advise variety best suited here
  • Kevin said on May 18, 2013
    Hello, Looking for a person with land to lease in Ukambani with close proximity to a well or river for joint venture farming under irrigation. 5-20 acres and more to start. We could do watermelon in the sept-dec harvesting period. email if interested. kevin@fruity.co.ke
  • shiku waihenya said on May 26, 2013
    Am interested in planting water melon i have land in kamulu and plan to use irrigation. just wondering which variety to plant, and would you kindly take me through with the process of planting to the final harvesting. Is there any way you could visit the farm and advice kindly.
  • Elizabeth said on May 28, 2013
    This is very informative bwana @watermelon kenya expert, keep it up. Using the information attained in this "forum" i successfully planted an 1/8 of an acre with crimson sweet and i must say the results were sweet. That was last november(2012) under rainfed conditions. Question is i have a few seeds left from that time that may be enough for 1/2 an acre. Question is, do you think this seed is still viable so i can plant during the short rains season this year? Thanks.
  • George M said on May 28, 2013
    Hi Sir, i have a farm at naivasha already ploughed and ready for planting. i bought sukari F1 for EA Seeds @kijabe street. i was advised to do a spacing of 0.6m by 1.5m. is this sufficient ? Also how well suited is naivasha for melons? kindly help.
  • Mercy said on May 28, 2013
    hey expert, i wrote to you a while back and i planted 10 acres of watermelon at mananja. the rains were too much in april when they had already started flowering and there were no signs of any disease but when they matured they started rotting en i thought its because of much water. I want to plant a few in the month of june and do some irrigation. kindly advice.
  • William said on June 1, 2013
    Am interested in planting water melon. I have land in Kigamboni Dar es Salaam Tanzania and plan to use normal procedure or irrigation if I can manage to meet the costs. Would you kindly take me through with the process of planting to the final harvesting Is there any manual or guideline you can send to me. +255 753 713650 wpmbwana@gmail.com
  • Mwangi said on June 10, 2013
    Hi, I intend to grow watermelons in masinga starting July. There are tomatoes on the same shamba. Will they affect the watermelon in any way in terms of disease?
  • awino said on June 10, 2013
    I have five acre in namanga and the same in loitokok in both farms i want to plant water melon kindly advise me on which time to plant and which month is the high season. Coz am made to understand that in kongoweya mombasa they also get melon from tanzania. When can i plant when the market is not flooded. and in five acre how many tons can i get gor both shambas.
  • tim ogallo said on June 11, 2013
    hello, I am a student at Kenyatta university. I'd like to venture into farming and a friend hinted to me about watermelon farming. I have a one acre to start with in rongo, migori county. I'd like to start the farming this coming September. please advice me about my chances of success with regards to my place location migori county.
  • James Paul said on June 11, 2013
    Hi sir, Am Looking forward to do some Water Melon Farming in Saadan Bagamoyo 45 km north of Bagamoyo town and 60km south of Pangani. The Place is Hot and has a very fertile soil. Please Advice. 255762817648
  • Njeri Gachanja said on June 15, 2013
    Dear @Anthony, Thanks a lot for the invaluable information you're making accessible to melon farmers. I'm in Mombasa(South Coast) and would love to receive you quotation of a one acre drip irrigation kit. Also my area is notorious for pests that do massive destruction before they are noticeable. To avoid such a problem, is it advisable to spray my vines with pesticides whether I notice pests or not? I hope to hear from you pretty soon. Kind regards
  • Kama said on June 24, 2013
    Hi, nice job. Am new into melon farming, my question is what is the right time to plant using irrigation from now June? I have leased land near Ngoliba n I plan to use Thika river. I want to harvest when prices are good this year and next year before my lease expires around march. I hope I can manage 2 seasons or what's ur take? Tried emailing u but got no response.
  • Ben said on June 24, 2013
    Dear team, What is the best pesticide to fight melon fly? What a menace! The farm is in Mwea along the banks of Masinga Dam. Email: ben.gnld@gmail.com Mob: 0724862136
  • Ben said on June 24, 2013
    Hello Mr Kama from near Ngoliba, My short experience on melons last year in Mwea was that, having planted on 20th June, they really went slow the whole of July due to the biting cold and quite a substantial number of them succumbed, despite having used lots of very strong fungicides (but it was way too cold last year, hopefully it won't be so cold this time round) I am of the opinion that the cold season goes 1st, then immediately plant. Let's hear another experience from the team. Regards, Ben - 0724862136
  • Kama said on June 25, 2013
    @Ben thanks for the info, looking forward to get more views from the team. About the shamba I will give u a call.
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on June 28, 2013
    Dear All, thank you for sharing your experiences and new questions, very sorry for delay in response. i was caught up with several drip irrigation installation projects but i'm back now and we will discuss our issues soonest.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on June 28, 2013
    @Elizabeth, Nice to hear that your first planting was a success, gather more confidence and do bigger area. Your seeds if the airtight packing had been opened may have reduced in germination percentage so you may want to plant at least 2 per hole for best results

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on June 28, 2013
    @shiku waihenya, i believe you found more suitable land for Watermelons than the Black cotton clay at Kamulu. Farmers If one is leasing for Watermelon no need to fight with heavy clays issues....expensive to use massive quantities of manure or compost to improve drainage. Good luck on you better land God be with you.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on June 28, 2013
    @Ben, for melonfly spray your fruits protectively.....before they are bit, with a pesticide with active ingredient such as: Lamda cyhalothrin.......spray thoroughly both leaves and fruits weekly.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • Mogotu said on July 1, 2013
    I am staying at Nakuru around pipeline, now how will you know that watermelon's favorable climate. I would like to start planting if only I know it will well for me to engage myself in the business. Please advise me to start and what is the right session to plant and which type of watermelon? Ok my shamba is not all that big but feel to start in small scale. thex.
  • yomi said on July 1, 2013
    please consultant, what are the local local postharvest methods of preserving watermelon
  • ricky said on July 5, 2013
    i stay in taveta, my watermelons are about to mature but i have a problem with insects that pierce them thus making them to go bad. am asking what medicine should i use to spray so that i could solve the problem once and for all
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 6, 2013
    @ricky,  Youre suffering cause of Melon fly ... spray fruits weekly with combination of chemicals with Lambda Cyhalothrin and Deltamethrin ...cover both fruits and foliage.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 6, 2013
    @Mogotu, Kindly email me your Shamba details...size, color of soil, source of water, electricity connection. Thanks Anthony

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 6, 2013
    @Mwangi, tomatoes and melons share most pests like thrips, whiteflies,spidermites aphids etc so it depends whether your farm is infested and to what extent. The two crops also share many fungal infections. Get rid of all tomatoe crop residues and give the farm about 2 werks after deep ploughing....hope your tomatoes were not affected by fusarium wilt.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 6, 2013
    @Mercy, you were late to harvest. Sorry for loss.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 6, 2013
    @awino, plant any time rain farmers are not planting, you are centrally located and Nairobi usually has better price to offer than Kongowea Mombasa. From five acres u can get from 50 tons to about 180 tons. Also zero tons is possible. At least 100 tons per 5 acre plot is a sensible expectation. Good luck, God bless.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on July 6, 2013
    @James Paul, Hi, if you have Irrigation water then you are in business ...go for it full force.... God bless

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • MARIA NYAMBURA NJOROGE said on July 9, 2013
    am at joska area, with 3 acres of land and i intend to start a watermelon farm, but i need a quotation of installing drip pipes, i already have a 10000 litre tank, whats your advise
  • Immaculate said on July 10, 2013
    Hi. I am looking for land to lease between two to five acres with water and good security. Preferably within Thika, Muranga, Kajiando or Machakos. My contact is 0724908517.
  • gloria said on July 16, 2013
    is the climate in Meru conducive for watermelon farming? Please advise and what is the right season to plant and which type of watermelon?
  • samuel said on July 22, 2013
    Hi and thank you for your Good work. I want to plant melon in kirinyaga county near Embu. Please advice me on the best hybrid to select between Sukari F1 and Pata Negra F1
  • benson kilonzo said on July 23, 2013
    I planted Crimson Sweet Watermelons in March and I just did my first harvest. I can say it was good although some of the Melons started cracking when I irrigated at its last stages. Why did this happen?
  • kiplimo kibiego said on July 23, 2013
    i plan to grow sweet melon from the month of august this year . i plan to plant the fruit on land measuring 3 acres. the land is by a river and i shall be irrigating it. what would a good yield give in tons per acre? where do i get the market and what is the average price per kg?
  • Wanda said on July 23, 2013
    I would like to venture into watermelon farming. I come from Lugari, Kakamega county where after short rains that end in Nov, we experience a dry and often hot spell of 4 months ending in March. The soil is loamy and fertile Kindly advice.
  • victor bor said on July 31, 2013
    I'm in kipsitet area soin location kenya which is very dry and several people have planted the melons and they are doing well i have embarked on planting 3 acres at the place and land preparation is ongoing i would like to know though the DAP i would need for three acres and which seeds will you advice or should i mix them
  • Wangari Mwangi said on August 4, 2013
    Thika Town. is it right to grow water melon this Aug and which is the correct type of seed?
  • James said on August 11, 2013
    Hi am james from marakwet county am planing to plant two acres of f1 watermelon please advice about preparing the land and how much will two acres cost to install drip irrigation. Thanks
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on August 14, 2013
    @Immaculate, send me an email i connect you to farmers in the various regions you have listed to see if they will be of help

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on August 14, 2013

    @gloria, Meru region has variable climatic and weather patterns..........  maybe the hotter parts of Meru

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on August 14, 2013

    @samuel, Pata Negra survives better in rainy conditions and fruits lying on wet soil, so if your planting period is likely to be interfered with rains, Pata Negra F1 will be a good option although it is round and dark green unlike Sukari F1 that is stripped but they  both attain 7-8kgs and above

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on August 14, 2013

    @Wangari Mwangi, August is a good time to plant just bear in mind rains are coming in November, do hybrids varieties Sukari F1, Pata Negra, JulieF1, Stark Ayers Star 9908 F1 etc

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on August 14, 2013

    @James, Hi please send me farm details on my email including watersource i send you quotation for drip irrigation system for your melons.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on August 14, 2013

    @George M, the spacing of 1.5 by 0.6m is squeezed but is ok if you are using drip irrigation watering method.......no need to move move within farm applying water....you just open the gate valve for the required duration

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on August 14, 2013

    @sally,  Coast is good for melons as long as you are not in the saline soil areas, whats your water source?

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on August 14, 2013

    @MARIA NYAMBURA NJOROGE, hi, send me your soil type, water source and other relevant farm details including topography and slope in my gmail i see and send you quotation for the drip irrigation system for the farm.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on August 14, 2013

    @victor bor, please dont mix DAP with the seeds, send me more details including irrigation method.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on August 14, 2013

    @Wanda, if you will have irrigation water after the short rains you are most definitely going to do well. do a large acreage that will will give you good quantities that will also enable you to sell further due to economies of scale

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on August 14, 2013

    @kiplimo kibiego, where is your sweet melon farm located, there are usually fewer farmers in sweetmelons than in watermelons so more frequent shortages in market in Nairobi and Mombasa

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on August 14, 2013

    @benson kilonzo, too much water suddenly when fruits are big almost always results in bursting. starve your melons at latter stages to develop sweetness we have lot of large poor quality melons in terms of sweetness especially in Nairobi region....yak

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on August 14, 2013

    @Njeri Gachanja,  South coayist is usually notorious for pests and diseases, you will need to focus on preventive spraying to avoid losses, also kindly send me email with your farm details and water source so that i send you a quote for the drip irrigation system.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • Robert said on August 16, 2013
    Hi, i intend to start melon farming in wamunyu area machakos county. My Qstn: what are the best fertilizers for use from planting, flowering, until harvest?
  • violet said on August 20, 2013
    hi, my name is violet i intend to start watermelon farming soon as possible. i live in Nairobi but my land is located in rangwe constituency homabay county. the soil is black clay soil. what is the best breed that one can grow in such an environment? what exactly does one have to do in order to get started in watermelon farming? thanks for your response
  • wisley rotich said on August 26, 2013
    i have just planted an acre of F1 in kerio valley yesterday and i would like to know the routine practices and the timing of each of the practice, i would like to kindly know if i am going to get good mkt around northrift come november,
  • William said on August 27, 2013
    Hi am from Dar es salaam Tanzania. I started watermelon farm one ecra. Plants grow well but I see some leaves changed to black. Plz experts advice me the way forward. wpmbwana@gmail.com
  • Akankwatsa Tarmlex said on September 2, 2013
    i want to start watermelon growing in uganda link me with ugandan farmers that can help me ,thanks
  • Kui said on September 5, 2013
    Hey Wanyoz, I have 20 acres in Kitengela with a borehole, i have planted water melons before, they were very sweet and weighed had a good weight, best melons i have ever tasted. I struggled with marketing, what's the best way to find market? Thanks Kui
  • Zachary onsarigo said on September 6, 2013
    hi, am zachary from kisii kenya, have developed passion for water melon farming but i luck the technical capacity. i have an acre of land with clay soil and at times its water logged, can water melons do well in such soil?
  • Victor bwire said on September 6, 2013
    budalangi, kenya. i would wish to know the best type to plant
  • filippo said on September 12, 2013
    Hi, i'm filippo from kakoneni, i want to grow sukarif1 around galana river, which is the best routine of watering using furrow irrigation thanks. 0734945928
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 13, 2013

    @Robert, Best is to do soil fertility analysis and get professional recommendation for your unique soil conditions. this can be done at KARI abc place westlands nairobi, Cropnuts Kangemi, Kephis labs etc. standard is plant with manure and DAP, top dress with CAN or NPK and boost with foliar leaf sprays.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • Maureen Nerima said on September 13, 2013
    I have planted sugar baby water mellon in Busia kenya on one acre piece of land. What yield should i expect and what is the price for sugar baby water mellon.
  • Georgina said on September 14, 2013
    HI my shamba is 2.5km from KARI (kATUMANI)Machakos. i would like to grow watermelon using bore water is it .the soil is loom .what type of melon is good for my area, is October too late to grow the melon. does the sweet melon do well in machakos? urgently advise
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 16, 2013

    @Kui,  hi, you are in Kitengela,, Nairobi has the greatest demand and is nearby.....also prices usually best in Nairobi. Send me a Gmail i connect you to some brokers you see if you can get a good deal?

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 16, 2013

    @Zachary onsarigo, water logging not good for watermelons, needs well drained well aerated loose soils, you can enhance your clay by adding lots of organic matter and avoid water logging by creating drainage trenches and raised beds and try planting when the rains are away to avoid water logging. or better your can lease land 2 acres and above in watermelon growing area with irrigation water. dont limit yourself to your piece of land. God bless

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 16, 2013

    @filippo,  Hi when using furrow irrigation you need to reduce irrigation frequency and hence pumping cost by applying for example enough water to last a week.....but this will depend on soil moisture retention properties of your soil, if it is too sandy it will not be able to hold water for long so irrigation frequency will still be higher, With furrow also you need to be very keen on early and frequent weeding or else it can easily be overwhelming especially for large farms due to water being available for weeds more than in drip irrigation. When flowering and fruiting stage reaches try and maintain uniform moisture content....means frequent but moderate irrigation. Please get started,, you can only improve.. God bless good luck.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 16, 2013

    @William, Hi, you probably faced blight or frost in case of cold areas.....if some leaves probably blight.....use preventive fungicides early if your area is prone to fungal attacks. but if it happened suddenly most likely frost.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 16, 2013

    @James, two acres can give you anything between zero tonnes to 70 -80 tonnes, but usually most farmers get 30 to 50 tonnes from 2 acres.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 16, 2013

    @Victor bwire, Plant hybrid F1 e.g Sukari f1, Starke Ayres Star 9908 f1, Pata Negra f1, Lahat f1 if you are commercial minded,, avoid the notorious floods please and choose a loose soil area,,  good luck

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 16, 2013

    @wisley rotich, send me an email, concerning market, as long as you have truck loads you will have several options in November....not to worry

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 16, 2013

    @Maureen Nerima, Expect anything between 0 to 20 tonne per acre,, the main problem with non hybrids like sugarbaby, crimson sweet is that maturity is not usually uniform like for hybrid F1 types, plants planted same time may lag behind others even for a month

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 16, 2013

    @Georgina, my first concern is the borehole water quality in that area,, what is the salt content, area is good plant hybrids, October may not too late but keep in mind the rain pattern in your area...avoid too much rain when fruits are ripening,, i hope you know the rain pattern of your area? G0d bless

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 16, 2013

    @violet, To succeed with melons on heavy black clays you need lots of well decomposed organic matter or manure to change the soil to loose crumby rich clay well aerated......if you cant get too much manure or org matter for the whole farm at least get enough to allow a shovel full per planting hole, also  you will need reliable irrigation water of good quality.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 16, 2013

    @Wangari Mwangi, Thika town is hot enough, try Stark Ayers Star 9908 F1 hybrid,, performs very well.  God bless you.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • Georgina said on September 16, 2013
    thanks for quick response. the rain starts sometimes almost end of October. to November. december is not very wet and January is very hot. do you know where the water's salt content can be tested. you talked about bees.does it mean I will keep bee in my farm . be blessed
  • Joe said on September 18, 2013
    i'm farming in mbeere region in sandy loam soil. my concern is that my neighbors have harvested sukari f1 but only manage 2 tonnes per acre against your recommended 20t. i noticed their row spacing is very close about 1ft from plant to plant. i have had soil analysis done and applying recommended fertilizers. where could we be missing. the point?
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 18, 2013
    @Georgina, It is advisable to have at least one beehive per acre of watermelons, you can test your water at Cropnuts Kangemi, or Kari ABC or any other place offering similar services. Send me email if you need contacts. good good that you know your rain pattern. work it well. God bless

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 18, 2013

    @Joe, Thanks for observation at Mbeere, i have been there and the soils are really good,, the spacing is too too close, if you squeez melons too much you get completion for light apart from nutrients.....even if you give excess nutrients and enough water....fruits will be small due to limited photosynthesis...... if you have to really squeeze do 1m by 0.6m but i prefer 1.5m by 0.6m if you have drip irrigation installed. Also Joe, lots of thing we do not know......the 2 tonnes per acre may also be because of poor crop protection, repeatedly farming melons on the same piece of land, poor nutrition, poor irrigation ......could be anything or all the above combined.  Good luck do your homework well and God bless.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 19, 2013

    New Hybrid seed from south Africa worth trying out. Stark Ayres Star 9908 F1,,looks identical to Sukari F1 but average fruit size is 10 - 12kgs. Most farmers claim it is more vigorous and more resistant to diseases than others. Local supplier/ dealer Pannar seeds Kenya. Lets try this and share feedback. God bless you all.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 24, 2013

    @charles Muasa, Hi, trust you are fine, kindly share your feedback from your recent harvest if you do not mind we see if  there is anything we can learn together. ......

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • Mwangi said on September 29, 2013
    This is my first attempt at melon farming and i can testify it's a challenge. so many things have gone wrong. the fruits are malformed.melon fly infestation. melons require round the clock attention.
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on September 30, 2013

    @Mwangi, Congrats Sir for venturing into it, hope you will not quit on us. when i started out i made losses for 3 seasons.... a whole year, if you keep on you will succeed, the only way you will have failed is by quitting. as a friend of mine, Kellie Murungi (CEO at a popular Service Industry Company), put it when she had lost 1 million in farming.... " CONSIDER THE LOSS MONEY AS SCHOOL FEES.... LEARN FROM THE EXPERIENCE AND PRESS ON UNTIL YOU GRADUATE NOW THAT YOU HAVE PAID YOUR TUTTION FEES"  thats a good way to look at it, keep at it and you will succeed. The problems you have mentioned are all manageable. nothing overly concerning or too trouble some. Melon fly you put baits and spray your plants protectively, distorted fruits you but beehive in farm if due to poor pollination or if due to viral infection you identify early and uproot, also control aphids, whiteflies, cucumber beetles that spread the mosaic viral infections.... keep at it now that you have paid your 'school fees' you will succeed if you seal all previous loopholes. God bless

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • Mwangi said on September 30, 2013
    It's not as easy done as you put it, my life savings have just gone down the drain in this venture. there are these insects that appear on the underside of the leaves. they make the leaves appear wet even when it's dry, and are really shrinking the leaves. Give me one strong insecticide i can use to at least salvage the few fruits that are left.
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on October 3, 2013

    @Mwangi, Sorry for your savings going down the drain, the insects on the underside of your leaves are simply Aphids, they suck on the leaves and spread bacterial and viral diseases.... you can control them with any systemic insecticide like Imidacloprid, Aceptamiprid etc. Very important to invest in consultation when venturing into a new venture especially when you are putting all you life savings in it. Too much passion may lead to overlooking the finer details and hardwork required. i am Very sorry boss.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on October 3, 2013

    To all water melon farmers in Melon fly infested areas please observe the following: Melon flies do not feed on the watermelon fruits, they simply pierce to lay eggs within, this is evident by a small black spot on the surface. once a fruit is pierced it looses value and melon fly affected fruits to be plucked off so that the rest of the plant nutrients can be directed to other fruits. if you leave the affected fruit , what is going to happen is that the eggs are going to hatch and forms maggots that will feed on the fruit internals and open more opening for bacteria to come in an the whole fruit eventually rots. Remove it the soonest the better.

    Another important practice is burning the removed affected fruits or burrying them very deep more than 2 feet deep. if you do not do this, the eggs will still develop and eventually maggots and new Melon flies armed and ready to harass you the next time you plant and it becomes a vicious cycle...... this is crucial information that especially farmer in Watermelon zones should share freely and create awareness to combat the Melon fly propagation.  Good luck you all. God Bless.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • Geoffrey Kavate said on October 3, 2013
    Hello Water Melon Consultant Kenya; Kindly advice on spacing during planting to intercrop maize and water melons. I am planning to try water melons mixed with maize in Mwingi, Kenya during the rain season between October 2013 and January 2014
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on October 3, 2013


    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on October 3, 2013

    @Geoffrey Kavate,  Thanks for inquiry, watermelon and maize should do well since maize is tall enough not to be affected by melons spreading all over and taking all the sunlight as would be the case for shorter plants... whatever the spacing you adopt just make sure the melons and the maize are 2feet or a 60cm away from each other to limit competition for nutrients and water. you can for instance have rows of watermelon spaced 1m by 1.5m and maybe in between the rows you put two lines of maize.... plan you layout whichever way but remember to separate your maize to maize by 30cm and melon to maize by 60 cm.   Due to everything being rainfed you will need to be diligent in early weeding before the melons spread all over and weeding becomes a nightmare.  Good luck  boss,, really looking forward to this feedback ,, please kindly do share your results down the line. God Bless.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • wisley rotich said on October 3, 2013
    Hi, am wisley rotich however i would like to know if its advisable for me to plant some now coz i just got some 1 acre land for irrigation, thank you for the good work
  • watermelon kenya expert expert adviser said on October 4, 2013

    @wisley rotich, Hi, now is a good time, December last year prices were good at 25-30/- per kg farm gate. so you have good chances but no guarantees in farming. Good luck.

    wanyoz@gmail.com, +254 725812827 || Watermelon Farming Consultant

  • filippo said on October 4, 2013
    Hi, my watermelon plants are growing well but i found out some are being cut which is the best pesticides that i can apply And there are tamites around my farm. Thanks
  • opande said on October 15, 2013
    i have learned a lot from your comments, is october the best month for growing sukari f1?
  • sammy muragu said on October 17, 2013
    am from the environs of kagio town in ndia kirinyaga county have 2 acres of loam soil land. would like to plant melon and butternut squash by december 2013 to rely on irrigation water. advise on best varieties to plant in this locality and the cost of installing drip irrigation on 1 acre. already have and a well fitted with a submersible pump evacuating 2000lts per hour and 5000lts tank. thanks in advance

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