Start a Rabbit Farm
Are you planning to start a business raising rabbits for commercial use? Then, our guide can help you learn the basics of starting a rabbit farm right out of your backyard.
Here you will find rabbitry facilities and equipment needs, a rabbit breeding guide, and miscellaneous tips about running a rabbit farm.

Rabbitry Facilities and Equipment Needs
Rabbit farming requires modest investment as it needs only simple facilities and a small land area. A small rabbit farm could have 15 to 100 rabbits requiring between $5,000 and $10,000 in startup capital. For a meat-producing rabbitry selling premium-priced rabbit meat, an ROI of 45% during the first year of operation is possible.
To start your rabbit farm, prepare a rabbit hutch that is well-lit and well-ventilated with heating and cooling systems. Metal cages are usually recommended for their ease of cleaning. Equip the cages with a feed hopper, watering system, and nest box.
Rabbit Breeding Guide
Rabbits are used for their wool, fur, and meat. They are also used as testing specimens by laboratories. Their breeds usually determine how they are used. And so, before starting a rabbit farm, it is important that a prospective rabbit breeder determines to whom he should sell his rabbits. Will it be to restaurants, meat shops, individual purchasers, schools, laboratories, hospitals, or breeders? One can advertise his business in rabbit journals, rabbit association directories, and farm periodicals and by joining rabbit exhibits.
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Breeding stock for a rabbit farm may be bought from local breeders. Medium-sized rabbits breed at 6 to 7 months of age and give birth after a month of gestation. Female rabbits can produce up to 50 live rabbits annually, with births high during the summer. They produce an average of 9 kits per birth.
Rabbit Farming Essentials
- Check with your local office about regulations that you must comply with in relation to rabbit farming.
- Breeding rabbits for laboratories requires a special license and controlled conditions to meet customer-required characteristics, such as weight and age
- If you are planning to sell rabbit meat, you should think of slaughtering and storage facilities in addition to your usual farm facilities
- Temperature control in rabbit breeding is important as rabbits are sensitive to extreme temperatures
- Make sure that you have each rabbit’s health record in order. This is particularly important if you are raising rabbits for sale as breeding stock. Potential buyers might ask to see them when looking for stocks to buy
- Maintain a sanitary operation to prevent the outbreak of the disease in your farm that could potentially be damaging to the business
- To keep your startup cost low, you can construct rabbit housing yourself from available construction materials you have
For resources on rabbit breeding, visit American Rabbit Breeders Association.
Rabbit Farming is well Explained in this Video
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(1)how much expenditure is required for starting rabbit farming?
(2)Is this business profitable?
(3)Market in kerala and india
Regards, jagdeesh
1. I have understood that a kit can be weaned at 4 weeks old, is there any supplements that it may need if it is to be weened at that age?
some say that weaning takes a total of 8 weeks.
one litter, I have now, are from a litter of 12, the mother separated 4 out, and has 8 she is tending to. Eyes opened right at 2 weeks.
the second litter, 8 kits, eyes opened at 8 days old, these had fur with in about three days. these are the ones that I would like to try and wean early (one of them anyways)...
I know their digestive system may not be ready, so was wondering if there is any dietary supplement that can be used to help them along.
1. which types(i mean breeds) of rabbit are there?
2. some people say the white breeds are more marketable than coloured ones, especially black ones?
What is the life span of a typical doe or buck?
I am planning to start a rabbit farm in ghana and need these preliminary information, please. thanks for your time and answers to the questions.