How to Sell Websites to Small Businesses

Websites are online brochures that can be used by a certain company or business to advertise or sell product or services. Although, high-quality websites could be costly, but they can surely help to save on the cost associated on making and sending out brochures through postal mails. Many small businesses are having a second thought about this option because they already accustomed to the traditional form of advertising.

On the other hand, at digital age, using website is effective way to improve sales and traffic. If you have the ability to make websites, it can be the best way for you to have an opportunity to be successful one.

Contact Small Businesses

The first thing to do for you to look for potential buyers of your website is to look for them within your community. Ask some small businesses if they have their website already. If yes, visit their website and make some notes regarding the look, navigability, content and information. You can offer your services too by enhancing the look and content of their site. If not, then it is the time for you to present them your proposal to sell them your website.

Check for Phone Books and Directories

Phone books and directories are also the best sources of potential clients. This is because these businesses provide their information and numbers plus website on these advertising methods. If there’s no website included in the advertisement, perhaps they still don’t have their own website, so contact them and sell your website.

Proposing Your Service

Proposal is one of the most important aspects on how you can successfully get clients. Through this avenue you need to provide proposal that includes website costs, website statistics, website samples, and notes, importance of a website, information about the company and you and your previous clients as well as their testimonials. This will actually be your main portfolio that you need to present to small businesses. The prices you charge for each type of website should also be part of your proposal.

Process of Sale

When a certain small business agreed on your proposal then this is the time for you to impress them. Make a presentation that will concentrate on the advantage of the website, its usefulness and cost. On to your agreement, you can ask for partial payment and an outline of formal contract that will summarize the services you will provide for them like the one that will run the site, the host as well as how frequently it will be updated. You can also ask the owner to provide the domain name they want.

After the sale of the website, it does not just ends there, as a webmaster, it is your responsibility to get updates about the website, be sure that it is helping the business or company to reach their expectations.

Important Aspects of a Good Web Master

  • Consistency
  • Reliability
  • Availability
  • Trustworthy


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