Growing Kohlrabi

If you want to grow Kohlabi, you should have enough garden space. You can grow the plant from seeds or seedlings. Choose a spot where the vegetable can get lots of sunlight.

You can harvest before summer or frost. The good news is that this plant is disease free and is less prone to insects.

Growing the ‘Rabi’

Most people call the Kohlrabi as ‘rabi’. Aside from being nutritious, the Kohlrabi is tasty and easy to grow. The nutty flavor of this vegetable is well loved by people and since it’s a hardy plant, it can withstand the frost and cold weather. You can find lots of this plant in Europe but it is also grown in other parts of the world. This vegetable is part of the family of cabbages and so it also prefers cold weather. If you live in a suitable region, you can harvest during spring and fall.

Just in case you’re growing kohlrabi, you can plant it and time the harvest season during fall. This will allow you to harvest healthy and mature crops. Rabi prefers cold weather and contrary to what other people are saying, the ‘bulb’ found on the soil top is actually the vegetable and not root crop. You can eat the Rabi raw or you can also cook it with certain dishes. With only one cup of Rabi, you can already get around forty calories. You will get a steady source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin C. unlike other vegetables you will love the taste of Kohrabi.

How to Grow Kohlrabi?

When planting this vegetable, you will have to choose among the different varieties – purple, white, and green. Regardless of the variety you choose, the veggie is white from the inside. It’s up to you whether you will grow the Kohlrabi from seeds or seedlings. If you opt for the latter, you can grow it from indoors and when ready, transplant the Rabi outdoors but you must do this before the last frost. Before summer, you can already harvest the crops. For those who prefer to plant seeds, you can sow them directly in the garden soil. You have to harvest at least 2 weeks before the first autumn frost.

Seeds should be planted 1.5 ft apart and 1/4-1/2 inch deep. You can do this in double rows and once the seedlings appear, you should thin them out to 6 inches apart. The seedlings will mature in 44 to 55 days. Make sure that your garden gets a lot of sunlight. Be sure to place compost or manure. You can also use general fertilizer. Keep in mind that you don’t need to plant the seeds deep into the soil because the stem will soon become the bulb. The good news is that this plant is not very susceptible to pests or insects and is disease free.


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