How to Get a Job in the Gaming Industry

The most active type of field in the gaming industry is the video game industry. It is in here where you are most likely to get a job and earn money from it. As a matter of fact, this type of gaming industry has boost into higher levels during the year 2007 when it has accumulated $9.5 billion. What is more amazing is that this amount is only within the gaming industry of the US alone.

And it still remains the most popular type of gaming industry nowadays.

If you are going to join the gaming industry, you have to expect that it will be competitive just like any other type of entertainment. Thus, breaking in and surviving in this gaming world will need dedication, hard work, persistence, and luck. If you think you do not have enough luck, then here are some of the ways on how to join the gaming industry and be successful in it.


Since the gaming industry is very competitive, it will include several challenges that might come in your way. First challenge is your location. Most of the video game establishments within the United States are located in only some of its cities. The most popular among these cities are San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York. Checking the complete list of the companies of video games within your locality will help you in this task. You can search the list through the use of internet.

Major Categories of Video Gaming Industry Jobs

Furthermore, you have to choose between the major categories of jobs within the gaming industry. These are the programming, production, design, marketing, art, and QA. Select according to your field of expertise. Then, once you have already chosen the category of job that you want, look for an internship program. This will serve as an invaluable credit in your resume experience. It will offer you more possibility to be chosen and hired by many companies at a full-time basis. Thus, make sure that your performance with your internship is good because it will reflect on your application form once you look for a job for video game companies. On the other hand, if you haven’t found any available internship program yet, you can try the entry-level job on QA. This is a video game testing position which is the most popular and common way in breaking in to the competitive world of gaming industry.

Remember that if you are going to apply for a job with the use of QA positions, you must know the number of people that are going to be interviewed. But if you are going to apply with the use of resumes, make sure you ask some important and pertinent questions during a phone call if your resume has generated interest in some companies.


  • vineet singh said on October 23, 2012
    do u have any game industry in pune or Delhi , Maharashtra , India. if u have any industry in this cities or any other part of India then please mail me. Thank u
  • Nabil Azahari said on March 31, 2013
    do u have any gaming industry in Malaysia, sarawak, kuching. If have any please mail me


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