Growing Arugula for Money

Arugula is one of the leafy green vegetables popularly added to salads because of its rich and distinctive flavor. It is being used sparingly as a flavor other than a leafy green in a salad dish.

Those people interested in planting its seed won’t find it hard as it can easily return each year.

Growing an Arugula is a good idea as it could mean additional income to your family. With the additional expenses, it can help as it adds to your income every month to cut the expenses at home while it only requires minimum supervision. In this article, you can learn some of the tips in growing Arugula for money.

Locating an Area to Plant Arugula

One of the first tips in growing Arugula for money is to locate an area in your garden at home. Remember that an Arugula seed should likely receive a minimum of six hours of sunlight a day. If you grow an Arugula in a colder climate, the more it needs sunlight in order to grow properly. Exposure to sunlight is crucial as it helps the plant to fully recover from a rainy and cold night. However, Arugula will most likely grow in all types of soil as long as it’s maintained and well-drained.

Preparing the Area with a Soil Temperature of 40 to 55 Degrees Fahrenheit

After you find the exact location in growing Arugula for money, the next thing you must do is to prepare the area with a soil temperature of 40 to 55 Degrees Fahrenheit. This is when the ground freezes during the winter season. As long as you plant the seed earlier, it can easily sprout as long as the temperature of the soil is appropriate. Arugula will basically grow in a soil pH of 6.8 to 6.0, but preferably outside of the optimal range. Squash the soil for up to six inches and work a 2-inch compost on the top three to four inches of the soil. After then, rake the soil that makes it ready in growing an Arugula.

Planting the Arugula Seed in a Newly Prepared Soil

After you’ve finally prepared the soil, plant the seed one and ¼ inch deep apart. Sprinkle it over the soil surface and cover it with compost. Spacing should be at least six to eight inches, however, you can already harvest new plants as they come out. The soil must always be kept moist, but not wet throughout the growth period. Take note that with constant supply of moisture, Arugula leaves won’t possibly taste bitter.

Harvesting Arugula Leaves

After forty days, Arugula leaves can be harvested where you need to pinch it off. Young inner leaves must be avoided as they can make the plant vigorous. When the stem starts to grow as the weather warms, it means that the plant is now ready to flower or bolt. Once a flower comes out, harvest it and collect the seeds. Rather, cut it out and the tender leaves are now ready to be sold in the market.


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