Starting a Paving Business

If you want to be involved in the paving business, you will have to do your homework as early as possible. Through extensive research, you will learn the things that you need to purchase, the licenses you need to obtain, and many others.

Create a comprehensive plan and you will have a guide.

How to Start a Paving Business

Starting a paving business is quite challenging and before you make the final decision, it would be best if you determine the amount of money and time that you are willing to spend for this kind of business. Paving require attention and money. You can provide such services to residential areas, as well as commercial ones. There are times when a customer will hire you directly but if you’re not getting enough, you can always stick with networking with the major contractors in the area. Subcontract work is also possible although you need to establish connections first.

Studying the local market is very important. Are there existing competitors? If the answer is no, then you’re lucky. For the less fortunate ones, they can always find another market where they can offer paving services. At this point, it is very important that you conduct thorough research. You can get advice and tips from established businesses. Franchise opportunities are also available for those who don’t want to start from scratch. All you have to do is find a reputed company that offers such opportunities. There are franchisers that offer the best in the industry and extra help.

Equipment, Overhead, Etc.

With this type of business, you will need industrial equipment like drills, cement mixers, ball bearings, bulldozers, and back hoes. You can purchase new or used equipment, and another option would be to rent them out when needed. You also need to look for an ideal location for the business office. Choose an office that you can lease out at an affordable rate and is easily accessible to potential clients. Determine the overhead costs that you will be incurring like safety supplies, payroll, work clothes, electricity, and many others. Calculate and do some financial forecasts; this will give you an idea if you are going to earn some profits from your business.

Don’t forget to inquire about the local certifications, registrations, and licenses that you need to secure. The documentation and other requirements should be complied with, as well as the corresponding fees. If you don’t have enough capital, you can apply for loans or you can look for venture capitalists. Hiring the best employees is very important. Get skilled ones that are hard working. You will also need a clerk or receptionist. Determine how many staffs you need and purchase general liability insurance. You need to advertise the new business thoroughly and through networking with contractors you can get a lot of projects. What are you waiting for? Create a plan now.


  • makungu patience mtarini said on April 19, 2017
    @Gon'on'o working together paving cooperative
  • MPHO said on July 4, 2018


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