Organic Farming Costs

Organic farming is now introduced to replace the conventional farming methods as answer to the call for “Green Environment” since this method don’t allow the farmers to use pesticides or manufactured fertilizers. Are you thinking of how much organic farming costs?

Here are the important information about the costs for organic farming and why it is expensive compared to conventional farming.

Analyzing Organic Farming Costs

Organic farming is a modern approach to replace the conventional methodology of farming that uses chemical-based fertilizers and pesticides which contains harmful chemicals that can harm the environment. The by-products from organic farming is typically has higher prices compared to the products produced by the non-organic farming. The reason behind this is that the methods used in organic method are labor-intensive and requires more work than the conventional farming that utilizes artificial ingredients and chemicals that lighten up the jobs. Another factor that affects the pricing on organic products is the increasing demand for the goods while the supply is low. For you to have a clearer view, let’s analyze the costs needed for organic farming.

On this type of setting, organic farmers is being governed by state law through agencies like the Department of Agriculture, to make sure that the standards set under the law is being implemented accordingly. Before the products can be considered as “organic”, a certification is needed by the organic farmers which is issued by the state or any agencies that are recognized by the USDA, particularly by the National Organic Program (NOP). And since the farmers are not allowed to utilize synthetic farm aids such as herbicides and pesticides, they apply the biological methodology of pest control on their farms. Livestock antibiotics are also prohibited; therefore those producing dairy products are using the method of “green manure” to fill-up the soil with organic matter and nutrients which are best for the nourishment of farm animals.

How much does Organic Farming Cost

In view of this, the costs of organic farming are mainly based on the Operating Cost. One great example is the organic dairy farming which was initiated in the states of Maine and Vermont. In the report, the operating cost was divided into several areas; the labor, heard health, purchase feeds, breeding, and other utilities.

  • Labor – The labor expense in the example of organic dairy farming allocates $14.51 per hour as per employee, or an average of $320 per cow.
  • Purchase Feed – A total amount spent for the purchase feed is $49,416 or $298 per cow.
  • Heard health, breeding, and other utilities – An approximate amount of $1,300 were spent on this area.

This is only an example and the prices were based on the report written in 2004, hence, it is important to learn the areas where organic farming focuses more.
Other Factors to Organic Farming Costs
Organic farming really cost a lot and there are more areas to consider that influences the total costs:

  • Organic Certification
  • Farm Size
  • Crop Characteristic
  • Land Preparation
  • Compost Application
  • Planting and Pruning
  • Fertilization
  • Irrigation
  • Pest Management
  • Harvesting and Marketing

These factors are based on the information stated at

1 Comment

  • mkmisra said on March 17, 2012
    i m interested in flower production & organic farming


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