How to Change Your Business Address

Changing a business address is necessary for the sake of the customers. That is why if you are planning to move your business to new location, it is your responsibility to let them know your new address.

You can advise them your new address through word of mouth, mail or online.

When running a business it is unavoidable to change to another location. However, while planning to change business location it is also important to inform your clients and customers about your plan of changing to new location. As much as possible, you should inform them through word of mouth or online before you move to your new business address. In this way, they will not be surprised when it happens. Keep in mind that the consequence of not informing them about the new business address might lead to lost of business.

Things to do When Changing Business Address

  • Make a list – Making a list is important and you should include the previous address of your business, the people, businesses and organizations that need to be informed about your new business address. This means that you should update your new address in the list of Yellow and White Pages. Likewise, you should also inform the local business regulating authorities of the state as well as the creditors and debtors. It is also important to inform the IRS with your new business address.
  • Update the address – Your business web site and social networking accounts should be the first to be updated with your new business address. This is the easiest way that clients and customers will know your new location. Likewise, you can also send mass e-mail to your customers e-mail list. Obviously, you will receive questions from your customers about the new location. Updating the listing online is another way to inform them about your new business address. You can create an account in Google Places that you can use in updating your business information.
  • Send out press release – If you can afford to advertise a press release in a newspaper notifying the community about your new business location, then you should do it. You can also post fliers in many conspicuous places such as banks, cafes and other places that your customers draw. Aside from notifying your clients and customers, you need also to inform your vendors, creditors and suppliers about your new business address. In this way, you can ensure that you can receive the payments from your customers after the move.

On the other hand, the process of changing new business address for a limited liability company involves lots of concerns. That is why if your business is a LLC, you should check with the concerned state agency about the process of changing the business address so that you can move your business without any hassle.


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