How Does a Work Permit Work

If you are below 18 years and you’re still studying, you must obtain a work permit if you want to get employed. You must be aware that this is going to be for a part time job because you must attend classes.

Know the rules and procedures before securing a permit.

Work permits are very important especially in some states or regions. It is possible to get the permit from a public high school but there are certain procedures that you must follow. The steps will tend to vary depending on your location. Before you secure one, you must know if you’re qualified to get one. In the entertainment industry, children under 12 years may be issued a permit but in other industries, it is usually restricted.

About Work Permits

Individuals with ages 12 to 17 should get a work permit. However, there are also exemptions to this rule. Work permits are no longer required for self employment, family owned business (casual work only), newspaper delivery, baby sitting or other odd jobs at home, and some agricultural jobs. Every state and country has a law on the working hours for minors. At this age, the person is still attending school and this is a vital consideration. Even if the child has to work to earn money, it should not get in the way of his or her school activities. You will have to check the local school’s Career Center where you can fill out the form. Application forms are also available on the website of the Department of Education.

The form has three parts – one for your personal information, one for the employer, and the last one for the parent or guardian. You can fill out the first portion and you have to request your employer to accomplish the middle part. The parents must consent to the application as well by filling out the bottom portion. When the form is complete, you can now return it to the Career Center and wait for about 48 hours. This is the processing time allotted for work permits in most states in the US. Once you’ve secured the work permit, you can now bring it to your employer.

In order to secure the permit, it is required that you are attending school. After graduating from high school and a person wants to work, the permit is no longer needed. Those who pass the GED or High School Proficiency Exam before reaching 18 years don’t need to get a work permit. You will only need to show the proof that you’ve passed the exams to get hired. There are also situations when the permit can be cancelled especially if the child fails to attend classes or if the performance of the student is affected, and when the scheduled hours do not meet legal requirements.


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